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Go for it! 8A Unit 7 Section B 3a--3c

Learning objectives

By the end of the class, Ss will be able to:

Ø Language knowledge

  use simple future tense to talk about their future life and organize their writing logically with proper conjunctives.

Ø Cultural awareness

set a goal or have a dream for their future and will strive for it to make it come true.

Ø Thinking quality

plan their future life well from different aspects and understand the value of hard work.

Ø Learning capacity

work with their partners to gain a sense of cooperative achievement.

Language focus and anticipated difficulty

Ø Language focuses:

Students can write a short passage about his future life with simple future tense.

Ø Anticipated difficulties:

 Use proper linking words to make the passage logical and well-organized; 

 Complete the whole passage with a good beginning and ending. 

Teaching procedure

Lead in

T: Good morning, my boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, teacher!

T: I feel very happy to see you and have a class with you. Boys and girls, can you guess my topic today?

Ss: Future.

T: Clever! (write down the word on the Bb)So class, in today’s class, we’ll write a passage about our future life. But before it, can you imagine what will your future life be like? You can tell me anything about your future life.

(Some seconds later) Who wants to be the first?

Intention 快速引入本课主题,激发学生学习兴趣。


Activity1 Finish 3a

T: You talked about your future life just now. Next, let’s learn about other people’s future life, ok? I have a friend, Jill. She writes a passage about her future life. There are some missing words, can you fill in the blanks with the words in the box to make it complete?

Activity2 Summarize the aspects Jill mentions in her future life and brainstorm more aspects.

After checking the answer, T guides Ss to read her passage again and summarize the aspects Jill mentions in her future life: job/home/free time activities/clothes. (write them on the Bb)

Then encourage Ss to work with group members to say more aspects in their future life, such as neighborhood/food/transportation/lifestyle… (write them on the Bb)

T: Jill talks about her future job, home, clothes, free time activities in her passage. What else can we talk about our future life?

Intention 总结Jill的文章分别从哪些方面来写未来的生活并鼓励学生说其他的方面,然后以mind map的形式写在黑板上,便于学生在脑海里形成一个清晰的轮廓,为接下来的写作做铺垫。

Activity3 Finish 3b

First, complete the chart with key words, not the whole sentence. (For example, as for Job, Ss just need to write down Policeman.)

Intention 由于不是正式开始写文章,学生用key words填表可以节约时间。

Then, ask all Ss to shout their own answers with the whole sentence. (For example, when T says “job”, all Ss need to shout “I will be a policeman.” or “ I’ll be a teacher in the future.”)

Intention 此环节的设计主要是在写作课上给予一个让学生说的机会,而不仅仅只是单纯地写作文。而且作为正式开始写作前的关键环节,教师可以从学生的呼喊声中判断学生所使用的句型、语法等是否正确。此外,该环节可以活跃课堂氛围,让那些沉默的学生也可以勇敢地喊出他们的答案。


Activity4 Write the main body of passage  

(It should conclude future job, home, activities, transportation, etc.

Besides, T should remind Ss of simple future tense.)


Activity5 Revise main body  

After Ss finish the main body of their passage, T gives 2 examples on PPT to choose a better one, reminding Ss of the use of proper conjunctions and details. (Both of two examples are the main body of the whole passage, but the first one is much simpler without any linking words and details. While example 2 is well-organized with proper linking words and details. )

Example 1:

In 20 years, I think I will be a teacher. I will work at school. I will meet lots of lovely students. I will live in a big apartment in Shanghai in the future. I will keep a dog at home to pass my free time. I will go to work happily every day and relax after work. I will travel around Shanghai and the world.

Example 2:

In 20 years, I think I’ll be a reporter. If I become a reporter, I will meet lots of interesting people. And I’ll work outside sometimes. I’ll also be able to know many different things and study much different knowledge. I’ll live in Beijing in the future, because Beijing is our capital. As a Chinese, I hope that I can tour the interesting places of Beijing.

Intention 通过呈现给学生同样话题的不同文章(一篇文章从头到尾只运用了I will…句型来谈论自己未来的生活;另一篇文章除了运用I will…句型谈论自己未来的生活外,也用了and,if,also等恰当的连接词,并且在某些方面增加了一些细节),给予学生主动发现连接词的重要性及详略得当的机会。

Activity6 Complete the whole passage with an introduction and conclusion. 


Topic sentence:My future life is rich and colorful!

Beginning with a question:What will my life be like in 20 years? In 20 years, I think I’ll…


Expectations for the future:

1) I am looking forward to this wonderful life in the future.

2) In 20 years, I’ll work very hard. I’m sure I’ll become a famous reporter!

Resolutions for the dream life: 

1) In order to fulfill my dream/ make my dream come true, I need to study hard and work hard.

2) I know that everyone’s life is in their hands. So I will try my best to work hard for a better future life. 

Intention 一篇完整的文章少不了开头和结尾。在学生完成main body后,教师有必要指导学生如何组织开头与结尾, 使得文章前呼后应,浑然一体。


Activity7 Self-check 

Check the tense, grammar, vocabulary, conjunction, etc.

Intention 在同伴评价自己的作文前,有必要给学生一定的时间检查一下基本的错误,如时态、语法、单词拼写等。

Activity8 Pair-check 

Check the tense, grammar, vocabulary, conjunction, etc. in groups and give proper suggestions to each other.

Intention 当有些时候一些错误自己检查不出来时,来自同伴的帮助显得更为重要。除了检查错误之处外,还可以提出一些宝贵的建议,促进双方的进步。

Activity9 Presentation and summary

Each group needs to hand in one passage and T uses projector to show the class to choose the best one.

Then use the best passage as an example to summarize how to write a good passage.

Intention 在全班面前展示小组较优秀学生的作文,主要起到的范本的作用,可以让其他学生知道同伴是如何写该作文的,同时也有助于增强那些较优秀学生的自信心;而且教师可以透过这些作文了解学生普遍存在的问题,便于之后的纠正与总结。

Activity10 Optional activity: interview

Ss form a group of four. One is a newspaper reporter and the other three are Ss. They’ll have an interview about future life.

Intention 小组合作模拟记者采访群众回答的活动设计,由写作延伸到了学生的口语,写和说相结合,进一步提高学生学习英语的能力。


Compulsory: Polish up your own passage and copy it in your exercise book with your best writing.

Optional: Write a passage about one of your classmates’ future