
发布日期:2021-12-09    浏览量:611

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一、文本分析/ Analysis of the material

本课是一节听说课。材料来自于人教版小学英语四年级上册,Unit 1My classroom中的Part B Let’s Talk,应用PartA中已学的关于教室的陈设词汇desk,door,windows等来扩展学习新句型Let’s /Let me clean ……,Let me help you. Thank you.等。并将其运用到真实语境中。

二、教学目标/ Teaching objectives

1. 语言能力Linguistic ability /Language competence

能掌握及运用句型(①Let me clean……②Let me help you. Thank You.)

2. 学习能力Learning ability


3. 思维品质Thinking quality


4. 文化意识Cultural Awareness


三、教学重难点/Teaching key and difficult points


学生在语境中运用句型(①Let me clean……②Let me help you. Thank You.)



四、教学方法 /Teaching Method

交际法/CLT,(situation method)听说法/Audio-Lingual Method,任务型教学法/TBLT

五、教学步骤/Teaching procedure

Step 1 Warm up and lead in(5mins)


Sing a song: Clean up (clean up clean up everybody Let's clean up……)

Look and say

T:What’s in our classroom?(windows,doors,lights,blackboard)

T:How about here,Yes, we says “teacher’s desk ”

教师引导学生回答教室内陈设,作为复习,重点强调新单词:teacher's desk



Step 2 Presentation and practice(15mins)

Teach sentence 1

①教师用手摸一下讲台桌面。T: Oh,it's duty.

教师拿出抹布,擦桌面T:Let me clean the teacher’s desk.(教师将句型写在黑板上)

②教师抹布擦一下窗户玻璃。T:Oh, it’s duty, Let me clean the _____. 引导学生回答。

③教师抹布擦一下黑板。T:Let me _____. 引导学生回答。

④教师抹布擦一下门。T:________. 引导学生回答。

Teach sentence 2

①教师用抹布去擦教室内的较高处的玻璃. T:Oh,it's too high, Who can help me,

S1: me.

T: So please say Let me help you

教师邀请学生来帮忙, T: Thank you.

Listen and answer

①T: Today is a clean-up day. Wu yifan and his classmates are cleaning the classroom. Now Let’s read and listen.

(After listen)T: Who cleans the teacher’s desk? Why do you know? 引导学生回答因他说了”Let me clean the teacher's desk.”

T:Who carries the water? Who do you know ? 引导学生回答因为他说了Let me help you.

Listen and imitate

T: Now it’s your turn to read the dialogue.



Step 3 Consolidation and production(15mins)

set a scene

T:Now here comes Chenjie and Amy. What will they say? Work in pairs create a dialogue.

T:After class,we will clean our classroom. What will I do?Look I have a dice,it will tell me.

T rolls the dice, and say:Let me clean doors.

T: It’s your turn, Let’s make a dice first and then roll the dice.

教师发制作骰子的材料,学生四人一组完成制作筛子。然后小组通过甩筛子分配大扫除任务, 应用以下对话。

S1:Let me clean the blackboard.

S2:Let me clean the teacher's desk.

S3: Let me clean the windows.

S4: Let me clean the doors.


Step 4 Summary and homework(5mins)


T ask ss to summarize what we have learn today and make supplement.

Assign homework

Compulsory homework

听读Let’s talk 的对话及单词五遍,朗读五遍,班级群朗读打卡。

Optional homework

