
发布日期:2021-05-12    浏览量:455

[教师资格] 招聘公告 |历年真题笔试资料  | 面试资料 | 冲刺卷

[教师招聘] 招聘公告 | 历年真题| 面试真题 | 在线名师微信答疑:boyueshikao

[课程培训] 金秋启航计划-提前批面试课程 | 刷题打卡 免费答疑微信

浙江省各地招考交流群 点击添加 关注博越师考微信公众号:boyuejiaoshi  



A. 充分肯定
1. Great.
2. Well done.
3. Absolutely right.
4. Definitely correct
5. Right to the point.
6. Very good
7. Terrific.
8. Fabulous.
9. Exactly.
11.Good effort
12.Nice job.
13. Good answer
14.What an example!
15. Creative ideas.
17.Amazing answer. It is beyond my expectation.
18. High five.
19.Low five.
20. You never make people disappointed
21. You’ve hit the point.


B. 激励性表扬
1.You are great. I’m proud of you for your progress.
2. You have made fabulous improvement and I don’t doubt that you will succeed sooner or later.
3.Wonderful.I appreciate what you have done in your learning and I believe you will be among the top in the class.
4.Unique ideas. I hadn’t even thought of that.
5. You have made a better English speaker than days ago, I dare say.
6.You always have interesting ideas.
7.The harder you work, the sooner you will improve.
8.Clap our hands. He really grows a new person.