
发布日期:2021-11-11    浏览量:589

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Go for it! 8A Unit 5 Section A 2d

Analysis of the material

The required material is a speaking period from Unit 5, Book 8A. It is a conversation between two Ss Grace and Sarah who are talking about their preferences of TV shows. There aren’t many difficult words or phrases in the dialogue, just some basic phrases to express preferences. Hence, the dialogue is not difficult to understand.

Analysis of the learners

This session will be conducted among Ss of Grade 8 who have already acquired some knowledge and skills of English pronunciation. And the topic—TV shows are around Ss’ daily life, so Ss will be interested in talking about their own preferences. However, how to ask and answer preferences properly in real situation is not easy for them.

Learning objectives

By the end of the class, Ss will be able to

Ø Language competence

use the target language such as What do you think of …? I don’t mind/can’t stand…to talk about preferences of TV shows.

Ø Cultural awareness

respect personal preferences of TV shows.

Ø Thinking quality

learn something useful from TV shows and become more knowledgeable.

Ø Learning capacity

be active in all kinds of speaking practice and cooperate well with others in pair work and group work.

Teaching procedure

Lead-in and presentation

Step 1 Ss are asked to look at the pictures of different TV shows (talk show, sports show, game show, talent show, soap opera, sitcom…) on PPT and have a chain drill like this:

S1: What do you think of game shows?

S2: I like them. They are interesting.

S2: What do you think of news?

S3: I don’t mind it. Sometimes it is boring.

Intention: Lead in the topic and review the key words & target sentence structures.

Step 2 Ss listen to the conversation and answer the question:

What did Sarah and her classmates do in class today?

( Key: They had a discussion about TV shows.)

Intention: Get the general idea of the conversation and develop students’ listening skills.


Step 3 Ss read the conversation individually and match the persons with their favorite TV shows.

Grace                       game shows and sports shows

Sarah                       soap operas

Sarah’s classmates            news and talk shows

Intention: Get the detailed information and improve logical thinking.

Step 4  Ss work in pairs to find the sentences about preferences in the conversation.

E.g. ...I can’t stand .... / I love ..../  I don’t mind...

Intention: Get more familiar with the target language.

Step 5 Drill the conversation

  Firstly, listen to & imitate the conversation after the record; Secondly, read aloud the conversation in roles; Thirdly, role play the conversation in pairs (close pairs & open pairs).

Intention: Get familiar with the content of the conversation, practice standard  pronunciation and develop speaking skills.


Step 6 Organize a talk show in groups of four to talk about preferences of TV shows. One student acts as a reporter to interview the other 3 Ss.

Reporter: Welcome to our talk show! Today let’s talk about TV shows.

What kind of TV shows do you like?           A: …                                     

R: Why do you like it/them?                  A: …                                     

R: What do you think of …? Why?             B: …

R: What can you expect to learn from...?         C: …

R : What do you plan to watch this weekend? / Do you want to watch…?

Intention: Put the target language into practical use and develop Ss’ oral English ability.



You should read the conversation again and again and try to act it out.


If you can, interview your family members about preferences of TV shows, then make a