
发布日期:2021-05-07    浏览量:1490

[教师资格] 招聘公告 |历年真题笔试资料  | 面试资料 | 冲刺卷

[教师招聘] 招聘公告 | 历年真题| 面试真题 | 在线名师微信答疑:boyueshikao

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1. Please talk about the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.


Well, it is a difficult point to distinguish the present perfect tense from the simple past tense in this lesson. The structure of the present perfect tense is “subject + have + past participle”, which describes the things happened before the things in the past. However, the structure of the simple past tense is “subject+ past tense”, which is used to describe the past things.


2. Please talk about the procedure of the grammar class.


The procedure of the grammar class includes five steps. First, lead-in. Let students concentrate on the class and cultivate their interest to learn. Second, presentation. Help them learn the new grammar. Third, practice. Through practicing, students can master the grammar better. Then, production. It aims to help them to apply what they have learned to the daily life. At last, summary and homework. This is the regular part of the class.



1.How do you help students accumulate vocabularies?


First, these words can be introduced in a funny way, just like what I have done in the presentation part. This will deepen the memory of each word. Second, exercises must be conducted to consolidate the words. Then, after class, they should do some homework. Also, these words need to be reviewed on a regular basis, so that they won’t forget them easily.


2. How do you help improve students’ English ability?


First, interest must be aroused in learning English. Without passion in English, they will learn it passively and will not receive good result. So I will arrange different activities to attract their attention. Second, they need to learn knowledge step by step. So I will impart knowledge from input to output, namely, from presentation to practice and production. Output is essential, because a word can truly leave a deep impression on students when they use it. By doing this, they will absorb the knowledge gradually. So in my opinion, students can improve their English ability through the above two steps.



1. Do you know some subjects of teaching pronunciation?


Well, it includes basic pronunciation such as pronunciation of 26 letters, pronunciation of vowels in the stressed syllables, pronunciation of consonant clusters and so on. It also teaches stress of words and sentences. The variation of pronunciations is the important part which deals with liaison, weak form, loss of plosion and assimilation.


2. What’s the principles of teaching pronunciation?


I think it should focus on the following principles:

①Accuracy. It is the primary principle in teaching pronunciation.

②Long-term development. Teaching pronunciation is not just a task for students who have begun to learn, it must run through all stages.

③Comprehensiveness. Teaching pronunciation is not teaching isolated speech sounds. All aspects should be included such as phonemes, phonetic symbols, words , sentences, meaning and uses.



1.What’s your teaching aims?


There are three teaching aims in my class. Firstly, knowledge aims: students can get the main idea of the dialogue. Students can master the sentence patterns: How high...? How far...? and so on. Secondly, students can improve their listening skills by grasping the key words in listening materials. Thirdly, students can be more interested in learning English. Students can be willing to share their travel experience with others. I think through the activities in my class, all above teaching aims will be achieved.


2.How do you deal with the problem that the listening lesson is boring to learn?


Firstly, in warming-up part, I will sing a beautiful song called Five hundred Miles to cheer students up, which can create a better atmosphere for them to learn English. Secondly, in pre-listening part, I ask students to make a prediction about what they are going to listen to according to a picture, which will arouse their curiosity. Thirdly, I play the tape for three times, which can decrease the difficulties of listening and can give them more confidence. Fourthly, in post-listening part, I ask them to have a discussion about their unforgettable trip, which not only improve their oral English, but also increase their interests in learning English.


1.What teaching method do you use in this class?


I mainly used task-based teaching method and communicative teaching method. The whole lesson is a big task which includes several small tasks. After finishing them, they have learned how to describe their weekend plan. I ask students to work in pairs to make a survey about their own weekend plan which provides them a chance to practice their speaking ability.


2.Do you have the experience in teaching ?


Yes, I do. I have taught a teenager in junior high school. I mainly taught her grammar. I found her grammar was not very systematic. So I taught her from the grammar in words to the grammar in sentences in order to make her master the whole grammar, especially those always appeared in her exams. And during the teaching, I find the most important that it is the teacher should have a better understanding of the whole grammar and the high school English course. Besides, the teacher should pay more attention to the patience. It will make students relax when their learning and get along with the students.