发布日期:2022-01-06 浏览量:845
[教师资格] 招聘公告 |历年真题 | 笔试资料 | 面试资料 | 冲刺卷
[教师招聘] 招聘公告 | 历年真题| 面试真题 | 在线名师微信答疑:boyueshikao
[课程培训] 金秋启航计划-提前批面试课程 | 刷题打卡 | 免费答疑微信
浙江省各地招考交流群 点击添加 | 关注博越师考微信公众号:boyuejiaoshi
Ⅰ. Teaching aims:
1. Knowledge aim:
Students are able to master the sentence structures ...(填写新句型,如有新单词,也可以加进去).
2. Ability aim:
Students can ...(使用句型完成需要做的事情,比如描述事物等)by using the target words and sentence patterns.
3. Emotional aims:
①Students will have interest and confidence in learning English.
②Students can know the importance of ....(情感态度第一点可以通用,增加英语学习兴趣,增强自信。第二点根据课文实际填写,有主题意义的)
Ⅱ.Key and difficult points:
Key Point: How to master the sentence patterns.....
Difficult Point: How to ...(可以填写情感意义上的内容,比如如何关爱同伴,如何珍惜时间等)
Ⅲ. Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings
2. Sing a song
Step 2: Pre-listening
1. Set a situation(根据主题创设情境)
2. Show pictures and guess(呈现图片猜测主题)
Step 3: While-listening
1. Extensive listening
Read the passage for students and ask them what the tape is about. Then invite one student to answer.
2. Intensive listening
Play the tape for the second time and ask students several questions:...(根据内容设置2-3个问题)
And teach the new sentence patterns
Play the tape for the third time and ask students to repeat after the tape.
Step 4: Post-listening
Have a competition :
Do a survey...
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summary: Invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson.
Homework: Ask students to ...(可以布置读几遍单词的作业,并说给父母听)and share it with their parents.
Ⅳ. Blackboard design: