
发布日期:2021-05-29    浏览量:544

[教师资格] 招聘公告 |历年真题笔试资料  | 面试资料 | 冲刺卷

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学了这么多年的英语,只知道中国的英语是“China”,却不知道中华人民共和国的英语?中华人民共和国(the People’s Republic of China)



那么真正的四世同堂如何翻译呢?原来是“Four generation in the same hall”

而出淤泥而不染的翻译是“keep clean in the dirty soil”



传统中国节日: traditional Chinese festival

1.农历: lunar calendar

2.腊八节: Laba Festival

3.小年: Little New Year

4.除夕: Lunar New Year's Eve

5.春节: the Spring Festival

6.正月初一: the lunar New Year's Day

7.正月: the first month of the lunar year

8.元宵节: the Lantern Festival

9.清明节:Tomb Sweeping Day/Qingming Festival/Pure Brightness Festival

10.端午节:The Dragon Boat Festival

11.中秋节:Mid Autumn Festival

12.重阳节:the Double Ninth Festival

13.七夕节:Chinese Valentine's Day/Double Seventh Festival



1.吃团圆饭: have a family reunion dinner

2.年夜饭: New Year's Eve dinner

3.全家团圆: family reunion

4.办年货: do Spring Festival shopping

5.敬酒: propose a toast

6.穿新衣: wear new clothes

7.红包: red envelops

8.压岁钱: gift money; money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift



1.年糕: rice cake ; New Year cake

2.饺子: dumpling ; Chinese meat ravioli

3.汤圆: dumplings made of sweet rice

4.八宝饭: eight-treasure rice pudding (steamed glutinous rice with bean paste, lotus  seeds, preserved fruit, etc.)

5.什锦糖: assorted candies

6.糖莲子: candied lotus seed

7.花生糖: peanut candy

8.蜜冬瓜: candied winter melon

9.瓜子: red melon seeds

10.金桔: cumquat

11.红枣: red dates

12.春卷: spring roll

13.冰糖葫芦: candied haws on a stick

14.驴肉火烧: donkey burger

15.腊肠: Chinese sausage

16.米酒: rice wine

17.腊肉: preserved meat

18.糖板栗: sugar chestnut

19.四喜丸子: four-joy meatballs



1.打麻将: play mahjong

2.庙会: Temple Fair

3.春节联欢晚会: Spring Festival gala

4.灯会: exhibit of lanterns

5.送贺卡: sending New Year's greeting cards

6.放烟花: set off fireworks

7.放鞭炮: set off firecrackers

8.灯谜: riddles written on lanterns


